Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brewer Christmas

Papa and Grandma hosted Brewer Christmas this year! All the kids were dressed up and ready for all the fun. Ava got so many cute gifts from her look alike doll (monchichi) to outfits. Even her cousins a Ava monchichi doll, courtesy of Aunt Carrie:) We did the annual blessing of the turkey and Grandma had santa hats for all the grandkids. The special part of the night is when Ava asked Mike and Carrie to be her godparents. So much food and fun to go around! The adults ended the night with a fun game of Apples to Apples:)

Lindy Lou and Addie Bo Bat dressed up

Papa blessing the Turkey

Ava in her Santa hat

Ava's outfit

All the grandkids


Ava Monchichi

All of them got Ava

Ava and Aunt Carrie (Godmother)

One of Ava's gifts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family Fun Day!

Mike and Carrie hosted a family party so everyone could have a chance to meet Ava Mae. The Brewer, Wise, and Wolfred families were there all to see her. She was passed around for everyone to love on her. Ava loved every minute of it! She even got to hear a song that was written by Uncle Dan. She is so lucky:) She is definitely going to have fun this bunch, so much to do and never a dull moment.

Cute outfit for Ava

Randy practicing for his little one, due in June

Bailee and Lindy Lou

Uncle Mike and Ava

Great Uncle Joe

Uncle Matt

Cousin Lindy and Ava

Cousin Tess and Ava

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We traveled to Ohio for 2 weeks starting Christmas Eve! Ava had her first Christmas at the Wise's and she got everything she wanted:) Cary and I got coats this year for the cold/rainy weather Boston can bring. It was nice celebrating with family! Papa got a special gift, finally hugging and kissing Ava Mae! She just loved every minute of it. Christmas was full of laughter and warmth, we are so blessed.

Ava's Christmas shirt!

Granddaughters and Grandmom

Bailee loving on Ava

My rain coat, love it!

Cary's winter coat

Meeting Ava for the first time

Papa loving on her

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ava's 1st Christmas Card

Our gift came early this year, sweet little Ava Mae Mae:)

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Some of Ava's Hairdos

As you can tell from all of the pictures, Ava has lots of hair:) Here are a few ways that I thought look so cute. I'm sure there will be more to come!


Side Mohawk

Straight up

Comb to the side

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ava Mae 1 month old

Ava is a 1 month old today! Her onesie pics are below in the big chair. She definitely has gone. We went to the pediatrician, had a great visit and she is very healthy.

Ava 1 month in the big chair

Ava Mae

Ava girl!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

UC #1 fan!

Ava is Daddy's girl and already a UC fan, she can even do the UC cheer. She loves dressing up in daddy's alma mater:) Unfortunately UC lost that day but they had a good cheerleader and maybe one day another alumni!

Ava in her UC gear

What a cutie

Future Bearcat

Cute little Bearcat smile

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ava hanging with Mom & Dad

Cary and I had our first weekend with Ava, just the 3 of us!! Cary read a book to her and we pretty much just looked at her all day. What else do you do with a newborn! She is so precious and cute. We couldn't get enough of her! She definitely know what she wants and is such a good baby. We fall in love with her more and more everyday. So much love for Ava Mae!!

Daddy and Ava

Daddy reading to Ava

Mommy and Ava

Loving on Ava

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Stroller/Walk

Ava and I went for our first walk together. It was sunny, crisp 48 degrees. We had to take advantage while we could since snow is right around the corner. It was nice to take in the beautiful scenery with my daughter, of course she slept the whole time. That's OK we have plenty of time to enjoy it together:)

I swear Ava is in the stroller

Baby girl, so cute

There she is!

Hi Ava

In the stroller