Monday, May 26, 2014

First Day at the Beach: Happy Memorial Day

We spent celebrating Memorial Day at the beach!  The girls absolutely loved it!!  I mean who wouldn't you are at the beach:)  The morning started off a little chilly but Ava and Reagan played in the sand.  They were happy just doing that all day.  Then we decided to get the kite out.  Flew that for a while until Cary was really the only one flying it.  Reagan laughed at the kite, I think she might have thought it was a bird.  After about an hour being there the sun finally came out.  That's when Ava decided to get in the water.  She was chasing the waves back and forth and filling up her bucket every chance she got.  Reagan could have done without the water but spent hours playing in the sand.  It was a nice relaxing day, enjoying the sun and our beautiful girls!  God Bless all the service men and women!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Melrose DPW Day

Melrose Public Works put on their annual D.P.W for all the kids.  They open all their trucks for the kids to climb in and out of during the event.  Ava and Reagan got to sit in some huge trucks.  Ava's favorite part was using the PA speaker to talk.  They also had bounce houses for all the kids but Ava wouldn't go in them and Reagan wanted to but was to small.  Hopefully she can join in next year.  The city does a great job with this event.  It was fun to see them get excited about trucks:)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ava's Art Show

Ava has been taking art classes at a little place called Kidcasso and they had their annual Art Show over the weekend.  She had a couple of pieces on display.  One piece was a flower in the pot and the other was an abstract piece.  We were so proud of her and loved the color scheme she picked for each piece.  You could tell each piece took some thought.  She did a beautiful job and was excited to show us her final pieces.  She asked to do it again next year, maybe we have a budding artist:)
During the show the kids could do some painting, they had a mural set-up for a group painting.  Of course, Reagan had to join in on the fun. She saw owl one of the students painted and we had to get a picture.  Ava even saw her friend Emily from class.  They ran around and ate lollipops the whole time:)  The Art Show was a success and looking forward to next year if Ava still wants to be an artist:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Grandma & Papa Visit: Beach & Aquarium

After five years of being in Boston I think Grandma and Papa Brewer are running of new things to see around the city.  Of course they are really only here to see and play with Ava and Reagan:)  Anyways we were able to find a couple of things that were new and the weather held out for us so we could enjoy them outside.  One day we went to the local beach so they could see where we go to enjoy the ocean.  Then my dad found the Saugus Iron Works where back in the 1600's iron production began in the U.S., believe it or not it is only 5 minutes away from our house.  I think my dad was most excited about that National Park, he spent the whole day there. On their last day in town we got to visit the Boston Aquarium.  The girls had a blast and my parents enjoyed watching them, the girls not the fish:)  We are so blessed to have wonderful parents that will come for a couple of weeks and spend it entertaining the girls or you could say spoiling them.  Looking forward to when they visit again! I'm positive we will be able to find something we haven't done before:)