Monday, July 25, 2016

Lake Tippy 2016

The Wises made the family vacation this year!  We did everything from playing in the water to shipswanna and everything in between.  The kids had a blast and really got into the whole swimming thing.  I think we have lake kids on our hands, which we would love!  Here are so great pictures from the week.  Making memories with family!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Big Boy Nolan: 12 months

We a have a one year old or maybe a start of a toddler.  Nolan loves to eat anything you put in front of him, sleeps great, and loves to play with his sisters.  He is a very active little boy, constantly on the move.  Nolan knows what he wants and will definitely let you know.  His favorite face to make is his "ooooo" face especially when he surprised,  He points at everything and gets into everything.  We love to kiss all of him.  Nolan is a daddy's boy and we have figured out he loves it when you toss him around.  He is our happy boy, you can him laugh very easily.  we love him so much!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nolan is one!!!

It's Nolan's 1st birthday!  What a special day it was, with a great celebration.  He woke up with balloons in his room and a happy birthday song.  We decided to go swimming then came home for a long nap.  When Cary got home from work that's when we had a cake and opened gifts, or should I say his sisters opened his gifts.  They were a big help and Nolan had a blast.  We are so blessed with such a happy and active boy. He is so loved and completes our family with so much love.