Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

We celebrated Memorial Day with Larry and Cheryl. All of us went to a Dairy farm for some delicious ice cream! Ava got to see some baby cows and goats. The goats were hilarious! It was a great day!

Baby Cow

Ava and Daddy

Enjoying the day

Cheryl and Ava

Funny goat

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ava's Baptism

We went back to Cincinnati to have Ava baptized at St. Susanna church where I grew up. It was a special day for the family. Ava did great, she was so good the whole time. Uncle Mike and Aunt Carrie became her godparents. We were all so very proud. After church my parents hosted everyone back at their house for some food and cake. God has blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. We are looking forward to watching her journey with God.

Father Tom blessing her with water

Anointing of the oil, he gave her a extra thumb

Parents, Ava, and Godparents with Father Tom

Ava loves her godparents

Introducing Ava to the Church

Happy girl with her parents

The whole Brewer family

Everyone that came for the special day

A cross made of cupcakes

The proud grandparents!

Friday, May 13, 2011

6 month Photo Shoot

Here are so shots of Ava's 6 month photo shoot. She did such a great job and was so happy! It's so hard to pick just one, Enjoy!

The Wise's

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ava 6 months old!!

Ava's half birthday has arrived! She is 6 months old today! We can't believe how time has flown! She is sitting up with support, loves her belly, and is trying a new food every week. She is so happy and loves when her dad laughs. Ava loves to talk in the morning and go for walks in the afternoon. She has brought such joy to our lives! She lights up the room:)

Ava girl

I got my toes

Pretty Girl

So big

Hi mom, not another picture


Monday, May 9, 2011

Apples are so yummie

Ava loves solids, she has tried everything from peas to apples. She is such a good little eater!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Ava and Cary surprised me with a Mother's Day outing. They took me up to Portsmouth, N.H. for a nice brunch and some shopping. Then we came home and my lovely husband made me dinner. It was exactly how I wanted to spend my first mother's day with my daughter! It was just so relaxing!


Ava at brunch

Me and my yummy food

Ava and I shopping

Me and my beautiful daughter

Ava and I at brunch

Friday, May 6, 2011

Funny Faces

These are just a couple of Ava's faces that she makes on a daily basis. She is very expressive and always makes us laugh:) All of her faces are so cute

Making noises with mommy

Funny lips

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ava has toes:)

Ava loves to suck on her toes every chance that she gets. She loves them!!!

Sucking on toes

See my toes

Gotcha you....What?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Two Year Anniversary

Cary and I spent our 2nd Anniversary dinner at a Mexican restaurant with Ava. It was a special dinner especially since I could have a margarita:) It has been the best 2 years of my life and we are so very blessed!

Cary and Ava

The Wise's

My margarita