Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Wise 31 weeks

Baby Wise getting big!  Mom is doing great and feeling good.  Baby is moving a lot with mom is laying down which is not a lot.  Ava keeps her very busy!  I'm not having a craving any one thing but I love cereal and sweets at this point.  We can't believe we have less then 10 weeks.  Ava is getting super excited.  Always pointing to my belly and saying baby.  She also wants to kiss the baby a lot, she is going to be a great big sister.  We can't wait to meet the little pea:)

Mommy and Baby
Baby bump

Love baby

So much love

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cleveland Visit

We made a trip to Cleveland for a wedding and to visit the Eberweins.  It was a blast catching up with all our friends and spend a couple of days to have Jake and Ava play.  I think she has a new boyfriend:)  They played on the playground together where he pushed her in the swing.  They rode bikes together where she pushed him down the sidewalk.  They even went to Lowe's and each made their very own ice cream truck.  Never mind that the parents did most of the work:)  Ava did what she does best, ate her snack.  We definitely need to make another trip back because the kiddos had some much fun together.  The wedding was on Sunday so Grandma and Papa Brewer came up from Cincinnati to watch Ava and spend some time at the pool.  She was so spoiled all weekend:) but that is what grandparents do best!

Ava found the swing
Jake pushing Ava

Still pushing her

Friends already

Jake playing in the water

Playing together

Pushing the toys

Wait up Ava

I will push you, Jake
Bedtime Picture

Ava the firefighter

Bedtime story

Having fun

Wises at Lowe's craft time

Eberweins at Lowe's

Working hard, not Ava though

Still working and Ava playing

She finally hammered some nails

My ice cream truck

Daddy and Ava

Playing on the playground with Jake

Of course, she found the swing

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Picnic at Breakheart

This weekend we went to Breakheart Reservation which is only a couple of miles away from our place.  We took a walk and stopped for lunch near the lake.  Ava had a great time! After lunch all she wanted to do is swing.  That is her new favorite thing to do, she could spend all day swinging.  Eventually we got her off and she played a little bit on the playground.  It was a beautiful day for a picnic.

Ava eating lunch

Mommy and Ava


Daddy and Ava

Daddy pushing Ava

So Fun

Happy Girl

So exciting

Mommy's turn pushing Ava

Ava on the playground

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bathtime is so much fun!

It's bath time with Ava!  She has so much fun in the bath playing with her toys and splashing:)  Ava entertains mommy and daddy with all her noises and funny faces while in the bath. It is such a happy time and hope that these memories never fade.  She is such a fun little girl!

Peek a Boo

So happy!
All clean and.....
sooo happy:)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ava 18 months

Ava is 18 months today!  She is growing like a weed and I don't think she is going to stop.  Her new things are running and not walking everywhere.  She is such a sweet little girl and gives kisses to everyone:)  Ava is curious about everything and she loves to talk.  Her vocabulary consist of many words but some are: please, thank you, baby, cheese, apple, mommy and daddy, doggy, and mommy's favorite no:)  Her favorite foods: cheese, bananas, strawberries, eggs, sweet potatoes, and goldfish crackers.  She is becoming more independent and loves to be chased by daddy.  Her most favorite thing to do is go to the playground and swing and she has the best time on walks around the neighborhood.  Also Ava loves hanging out with all her friends and looks forward to being a big sister!

Big Girl, 18 months