Sunday, May 26, 2013

Minuteman National Park

Another historical site we saw this weekend was the Minuteman National Park. The park is located 22 miles outside of Boston within the towns of Lexington, Lincoln and Concord, Massachusetts. It commemorates the opening battles of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775 by protecting, preserving and interpreting the significant historic sites, structures, landscapes, events and ideas embodied by these events.  There are many sites along the trail that encompasses much of the start of revolution from where Paul Revere was captured to Colonial Smith's home.  It's amazing that everything began here.
Since it's so long we didn't get to do all of it, made it about half way before we turned back.  We are hoping to finish on July 4th.  Another patriotic holiday, do you see a theme:)

Friday, May 24, 2013

John Adams Estate

We started Memorial Day weekend with a tour around John Adams Estate.  There were 4 generations that lived on the property. Probably one of the best parts of the tour was seeing the first presidential library built in 1870 for John Quincy Adams.  He died before ever seeing the finish library but it houses many of his books.  The home itself was a beautiful farm house that still has many of the features that were there when John Adams lived there.  
We had lunch in downtown Quincy at a little sandwich shop.  It's a cute New England town south of the city that has a lot of character and charm.  The charm is all these historical places on every corner.  Definitely a lot of history and a great way to start a patriotic weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Reagan 10 months

Reagan turns 10 months today!  Getting bigger and doing new things everyday.  Her biggest accomplishment so far is learning to crawl.  One of the cutest things is all her talking while she crawls and then she will start laughing.  She's a great sleeper and eater, she started eating puffs and loves them.  Reagan tried cooked carrots (finger foods).  Still one of the happiest babies I know, you can always get her to smile and laugh.  She is the happiest when she is playing with her sister.  They are going to be really good friends and have lots of fun.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's day this year by taking a trip to go see Boston Strong.  It was such a beautiful day walking around downtown Boston.  Visiting the Boston Strong memorial and some of the shops that were effected.  I think Ava had a great time at the candy store picking out all the different kinds of candy.  We had lunch and then sat a Copley Square for a little bit enjoying the sunshine.  I'm so blessed and thankful to have such beautiful girls, I should be celebrating them.  They are the reason why I love being a, "Mommy."  Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

We have a crawler

It's a whole new world for Reagan, she is a crawler! Exploring everything around her even all of her sister's things:)  Ava just thinks that Reagan is constantly chasing her, they both laugh and laugh.  It has been a lot fun but I think it's going to get crazy!