Friday, January 17, 2014

Reagan 18 months

Our little girl is 18 months today, we are not sure where the time is going!  Reagan has such a cute and happy personality.  She loves her sister so much and wants to do everything Ava does even when she can't!  She is a big time daddy's girl and when Cary is home she never leaves his side unless it is to go play with Ava.  Some of her likes: owlie, mickey mouse, dancing, reading books, running, little gym, and so much more.  Some of her dislikes: when she can't play with Ava and daddy leaves for the day, she likes pretty much anything:)  Things that she is saying: please, thank you, mickey mouse, water, open, out, up, no thank you, couch, and morning.  Things Reagan is doing: clapping, dancing, spinning, jumping, climbing, laughing, and throwing a ball which she could do before she could crawl.  Reagan is such a sweet, loving, and happy little girl and looking forward to so many memories with her.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Goofy Girls

It's been a slow January just the way we like it, coming off the busy holiday season.  The girls have been goofing around a lot and here some pics to prove it.  Such cute personalities that never stop laughing.  We are so blessed!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Blizzard of the Year

Our first blizzard started off the new year with a bang!!  We were snowed in for the weekend which made it nice coming off the busy holiday season.  Ava was so excited to play in it this year.  She help daddy build a snowman and shovel the driveway.  She even got to stand on the pile of snow right outside out door.  The only thing she didn't get to do was go sledding but the it is still early in the winter season.  After all the fun in the snow they came in for a nice hot cup of cocoa.  It was a beautiful way to start 2014!