Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Happy Spooky and Ghoul Day:)  It's Halloween again and we had fun celebrating Nolan's first.  The girls wanted to Trick or Treat right when they woke up.  So they were super excited when they finally got to put their costumes on.  Ava was Elsa, Reagan was a doggy, and Nolan was superman.  We headed over to our old neighborhood for a little trick or treating.  It was nice to walking around there, we miss it so much.  We had dinner with the LaRock's and some nice drinks.  Of course the girls got to much candy but they don't care, they just like running from house to house.  So much fun watching them!  At every door Reagan would say the she is a doggy.  Haha so cute!  Another successful Halloween!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween School Parade

Ava had her Halloween parade at school today.  She decided to be Elsa this year and she was not the only one.  Her costume could not be complete without all the accessories.  She even had the snowflakes in her braid.  They sang spooky songs, the best one was the "Spooky Walk."  Ava did all the actions to the songs.  She really enjoyed herself this year and it was fun watching her and her classmates.  Looking forward to the rest of the year and all the parades.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

Ava and Reagan carved their pumpkins with Cary this year. They were thrilled to make their jack-o-lanterns.  Ava wanted hers to be scary and Reagan picked her pumpkin to be goofy.  Their favorite part was scooping out the guts of the pumpkin:)  That is what they called it, haha.  Ava and Reagan were so happy thanks to daddy, he did most of the work.  Some day they will be able to crave their own pumpkins until then they love watching daddy do it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Nolan 3 months

Nolan turns 3 months today, he is such a big boy.  He has found his hands but his big accomplishment has to be rolling over.  He is on the move and it's just the beginning.  Nolan is still a happy baby and smiles at everyone.  I think the best part of his day is when he gets his diaper change.  All he wants to do is talk and laugh.  His sisters love him so much and just want to play with all day long.  We love him so much, he melts our hearts!!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sister & Brother

They love each other so much and make each other smile.  Reagan and Nolan are going to best of friends!  Forever sister and brother.